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We have included a whole host of resources for you to access below. Have a look through, if there is something additional you’d like to see – let us know.
We will be constantly updating and adding further items on these pages.
Download our Care Home Support Service leaflet here.
Please contact your local Facilitator if you have any questions or comments. Contact details for local Facilitators are available via Meet the Team.
For professionals looking for resources around end of life care.
Click here.
Advance Care Planning
Develop your knowledge and skills to feel comfortable and confident talking to people about Advance Care Planning.
Symptom Control Prescription Drugs and Administration Record (Blue Booklet) and Anticipatory Prescribing – East Cheshire, South Cheshire and Vale Royal Areas Only
Develop your confidence in using this and the Symptom Management within.
Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes team
(MOCH) Support care homes in all aspects of medicines management.
Recognising the Last 12-Months of Life and Supportive Care Records
Building your knowledge on the use of supportive care records and identifying those who maybe in the last 12 months of life.
Staff Wellbeing
Useful websites, apps and resources to support you with maintaining your wellbeing and accessing support during challenging and difficult times
Symptom Management
Guidance on a variety of symptoms associated with end of life care including nausea, breathlessness and pain.
Syringe Pump
How to use, operate and manage syringe pumps (McKinley T34 Versions 2 & 3 and the BodyGuard T).