We feel so lucky to have such a great group of trustees. But don’t just take our word for it.. hear from our trustees.

Hear from our Chair of Trustee Board Lynn McGill why EOLP matters to everyone

Hear from our Trustee Paul Morrissey on being an EOLP Trustee.


We’d love to hear from you. Contact Nichola Wakefield via email nichola.wakefield@eolp.org.uk, or on 01270 310260 to find out more about us and becoming a Trustee.

Register of Interests?

In line with Charity Commission guidance and our Memorandum and Articles of Association, EOLP holds a register of trustee and director interests to ensure that we can manage any conflicts of interest appropriately.

Board of Trustees

Annamarie Ratcliffe

Lynn McGill

Chair of Trustee Board

Annamarie Ratcliffe

Ali Harrison

Vice Chair of Trustee Board

Annamarie Ratcliffe

Ann Gray


Photo of woman

Jayne Hartley


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Derek Humphreys


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Rayna Jackson


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Paul Morrissey


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Dr Sangeetha Steevart


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Judi Thorley


Annamarie Ratcliffe

Jon Wright


Contact Us

Contact us today

Please call 01270 310260 or email info@eolp.org.uk


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