How to plan for the future


  • Length: 2 hours
  • Suitable for: Unpaid carers (family/friend). This session is mainly geared towards family carers to help them in their caring role.

If you are a professional who wishes to attend in a personal capacity or are attending so that you can better support family carers, then this session will also be suitable for you.

Health professionals wishing to learn more about Advance Care Planning, may find this Mayfly ACP session more appropriate.

  • Delivered: online via Microsoft Teams
  • Funded: Funded for Cheshire East people only
  • Price on application for people outside funded areas

Session Overview

The aim of this session is to increase knowledge and understanding of the importance of planning care, for both yourself and for the person you care for.

If we talk about and document our future plans and wishes, they are more likely to be followed. This will give you peace of mind and allow family and friends to carry out your wishes in confidence.

This session will cover:

  • ‘Formal’ and ‘Informal’ Care Planning
  • Preferred Priorities of Care
  • Types of Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Funeral planning


  • Thursday 19 September 2024: 14:00 – 16:00
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024 : 10:00 – 12:00
  • Wednesday 29 January 2025: 14:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday 13 March 2025: 10:00 – 12:00
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