Confidence to Care at End of Life

It can be stressful to watch a loved one’s health decline.  If you’ve never been around someone who is dying before, you may be afraid of what will happen.

This session will touch on some of the things that may happen at end of life and give you the confidence to care and to find out about the natural process of death and how to offer them comfort.

Learning about what might happen can help you feel less frightened and confused, allowing you to prepare for the emotional and physical changes ahead.  It will ensure you have an understanding of what to look for when someone close is in the dying phase of life.

Book here now


Who is it for?

Unpaid carers (family/friend). 

Please note health professionals can also attend, but priority will be given to unpaid carers.

Your Care Setting



2 hour session

Learning Methods



  • Wednesday 5 April 2023: 14:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday 15 June 2023: 14:00 – 16:00


This session is funded for those that live, work, or play in the Cheshire CCG area.

Check here if unsure CCG Lookup.


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