Photo of grandson with arms around grandmother


  • Length: 7 hours 
  • Suitable for: This study day is for senior health care professionals who are involved in ethical decision making with patients and their relatives. This may include clinical nurse specialists, senior nursing staff, GP’s, doctors, midwives, Social workers, allied health professionals.
  • Delivered: face to face at Crewe Vagrants Sports Club Newcastle Rd, Nantwich CW5 7EP
  • Price: To be confirmed

Session Overview

The study day will consider:

  • Recognising signs and symptoms and diagnosing pancreatic cancer
  • Recognising signs and symptoms and diagnosing Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer
  • Recognising signs and symptoms and diagnosing Hepatocellular carcinoma and surveillance
  • Nutritional optimisation of the UGI cancer patient and utilisation of PERT
  • Endoscopic management of oesophageal cancer
  • Recognising signs and symptoms and diagnosing gall bladder cancer

Learning Outcomes

Coming soon.



  • Tuesday 9 July 2024: 9:00 to 16:30 at Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Newcastle Rd, Nantwich CW5 7EP


To be confirmed.


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