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Welcome to the End of Life Partnership

Every year almost 30,000 people in Cheshire are impacted by death, dying and bereavement.

We believe everyone should experience compassionate and personalised end of life care and we aim to improve the quality of the end of life experience for more than 10,000 people every year across Cheshire.  We do this through specialist education, innovative community initiatives, data led leadership and collaborative partnerships.

Learn more about our work here or follow the links on this page to find the specific help that you need.

Can you help support our vital work? Donate now, whatever you feel able, here.

I work in end of life care

This is the place to find professional education, free training videos, bespoke training, advanced dementia support and resources to help you to support your patients.

I am a patient, a carer or a community volunteer

We have courses and resources to help with bereavement or caring for someone with dementia or other life limiting illness.  We can also offer guidance to community groups and volunteers.

Professional Resources


EPAIGE is an extensive free resource for anyone working in end of life care.


All About Me: My past, present & future

This booklet helps people have difficult conversations about death and dying, sharing and recording the things that are important to them. Download it here or contact us at info@eolp.org.uk for a hard copy.


EOLP is an award winning charity whose work is made possible through your generosity and support. Can you support us today?

Drawn Line Grape

Our Partners

Case Studies

Our organisation

We work with many different care organisations to help them achieve a positive outcome for the people they care for or their staff and volunteers. 

Find out more here.

Did you know

Did you know?

We collect and analyse up to the minute data and evidence to shape, improve and develop our services.

Would you like to use this service for your organisation?

Find out more here.

A great place to work

A great place to work

We have an exceptional team and offer a wide range of benefits to employees.

Interested in joining us?

View our current vacancies.

Contact Us

Contact us today

Please call 01270 310260 or email info@eolp.org.uk


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