Welcome to E-Source

Everything we do at EOLP is informed by data.  We collect it.  We measure it.  We evaluate it.

So that you don’t have to.

We offer a unique resource providing data about Palliative and End of Life Care in Cheshire, including information required by the Care Quality Commission.

If you love data as much as we do, we have an entire resource dedicated to end of life care data, both national and regional, that you can access to inform your own decisions.  But to make life easier, we have pulled some of those insights out for you below.

Information about your chosen High Level Outcomes (HLO) can be filtered by your Primary Care Network or by Cheshire East Place to find specific information about your area by selecting the relevant objective below.

Coming soon:

  • Information about people’s experiences of using palliative and end of life care services in Cheshire
  • Data around Dementia
  • Links to national data sets.

Please Note we have moved to reporting Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCS) data from the same data source now being fed into the Cheshire & Merseyside End of Life Dashboard. This anonymised data is provided by the Cheshire & Merseyside ICB Business Intelligence Team who EOLP have worked closely with to mirror, as near as possible, the reporting that we have been doing with the GP Alliance in Cheshire since 2018. This now means there is a single source of information for Primary Care EPaCCS data across Cheshire & Merseyside.


% of patients who are on a palliative care register in primary care


% of patients who are on an Advance Care Planning discussion recorded in their Electronic Palliative Care Coordination record


% of patients where specific aspects of end of life care were discussed and recorded in GP medical records prior to their death


% of people who have had their decision about Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation recorded before they die


In 60% of all deaths, the patient’s GP will have recognised and recorded that the patient was likely to be in the last 12 months of their life.


25% of people who had their decisions about end of life care recorded when they died