Using the Blue Booklet in End of Life Care

Session Overview
Practical use and walkthrough of the Blue Booklet:
- End of life drugs used – indications for use, administration methods and dosages.
- Drug calculations.
- Case studies.
- Worries and questions.
- Where to get further help and support.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session the delegate will be able to:
- Understand the layout of the Blue Book and the functions of each section.
- Have an increased understanding of the common drugs used in End of Life Care, indications for their use/omissions, the common doses for both PRN doses and syringe pump.
- Demonstrate an understanding of drug calculations through discussion and worked case studies, including PRN doses, syringe pumps and analgesic patches.
- Have an increased awareness of the symptom algorithms and where/when and from whom to seek further advice.
- Length: 2hrs
- Suitable for: GP’s, registered nurses working in nursing homes and community nurses caring for people at end of lifeCheshire East ONLY
- Delivered: face to face at Spring Farm Business Centre, Moss Lane, Crewe, CW1 4RJ or online via Microsoft Teams
Funded dates for Cheshire East Place staff only:
- Tuesday, 18 February 2025: 9:00 – 10:30 at End of Life Care Education Hub, Spring Farm Business Centre, Crewe CW1 4RJ
- Friday, 7 March 2025: 9:00 – 11:00 online via Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday, 17 June 2025: 9:00 – 11:00 at End of Life Care Education Hub, Spring Farm Business Centre, Crewe CW1 4RJ
- Thursday, 18 September 2025: 9:00 – 11:00 at End of Life Care Education Hub, Spring Farm Business Centre, Crewe CW1 4RJ
- Tuesday, 9 December 2025: 9:00 – 11:00 online via Microsoft Teams
- Wednesday, 4 March 2026: 9:00 – 11:00 at End of Life Care Education Hub, Spring Farm Business Centre, Crewe CW1 4RJ
Bespoke Booking
We would love to work with you, contact us to explore a bespoke session for your organisation.
Where to obtain Blue Booklets
- Hospitals: (MCHFT and MDGH) via hospital pharmacy service or local specialist palliative care team
- Community Services: (CCICP and ECNHST) via Care Community Service Managers
- GP’s: via Community District Nursing Teams
- Care Homes: via EOLP
- Hospices: via EOLP
The details of how to order and pay for further copies are listed below:
EOLP ordered the initial booklets any further orders will need to be ordered via yourselves and invoiced to you directly.
EOLP used a company called Rowtype in Stoke-On-Trent to arrange the printing (contact details below). They will provide a cost for the number of booklets required and will invoice you directly:
01782 538600 and
They have a copy of the Blue Booklet on file but an electronic version can also be found on EPAIGE via the following link: Blue Booklet