Dementia Progression to End of Life; Living Well and Dying Well Tier II Training

Photo of grandson with arms around grandmother
Session Overview

This programme is aligned to Tier 2 of the Dementia Training Standards Framework (2018) by addressing standards 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13.

This programme will support revalidation. NMC Code requires registrants to evidence 35 hours of continuing professional development within a 3-year period. Of those, at least 20 hours must have included participatory learning.

This programme is participatory and a certificate of attendance is provided for the full day attendance (6 hours CPD)

The programme addresses NMC “The Code”: 1.2, 3.2, 3.4, 4, 7.3, 20.4, 22.3

Learning Outcomes

The interactive online session will;

  • Identify and upskill the delegate in the care of people with Advanced Dementia; symptom management including pain, delirium, nutrition and hydration
  • Explore decision support tools for dementia care
  • Explore The Mental Capacity Act and decision-making
  • Offer an overview of most common medications used (video)
  • Discuss behaviour and dementia, and share techniques to de-escalate distress
  • Provide skills to overcome communication barriers and obstacles
  • Appraise therapeutic interventions for people with dementia
  • Length: All day
  • Suitable for: Qualified health and social care staff across all care settings who have regular contact with people with dementia.
  • Delivered: Online via Microsoft Teams
Funded for Cheshire East Place staff.
  • 29 September 2025:  9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • 12 January 2025:  9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Delegates outside Cheshire East Place are welcome at a cost of £40 per person.

Bespoke Booking

We would love to work with you, contact us to explore a bespoke session for your organisation.

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