Symptom Management in the Last Weeks to Days of Life

Session Overview
The day focuses on some of the main symptoms that a person approaching end of life may experience. This includes acute symptoms and how we can manage them in a holistic way to ensure we provide the best care possible, in a timely manner. We will consider:
- the usual symptoms a person at end of life may experience
- drug therapies that can be used to manage pain; patches, nasal sprays and “lollipops”
- having difficult conversations around the Management of Hydration and Nutrition, for example feeding at risk
- assessment of nausea and vomiting
- diagnosis of bowel obstruction and optimising care
- as well as an opportunity to ask the specialists any questions you might have
By the end of the course the participant will be able to:
- Recognise and discuss some of the symptoms that a person my have in the last weeks to days of life
- How within their clinical role proceed to manage the symptoms effectively in a holistic manner
- Consider how they approach discussions around hydration/ nutrition
- Adopt a “taste for pleasure” practice within their clinical area
- Recognise the signs of bowel obstruction and know where to refer onto
Managing Bowel Obstruction in the last weeks to days of life: Dr Sarah Clelland, Palliative Care Consultant, East Cheshire NHS Trust
Non-pharmacological Management of Respiratory Secretions and Distress: Julie Dean-Roberts Senior Physiotherapist, East Cheshire NHS Trust
Hydration/fluids/ Nutrition/risk feeding at end of life: Dr Debbie Alexander, Medical Director, East Cheshire Hospice
Management of Nausea and Vomiting: Lisa Hardstaff and Emily Bailey, Specialist Palliative Care Team, East Cheshire NHS Trust
Managing seizures in the last days to weeks of life: Dr Sally Chambers, Consultant Physician with an Interest in End of Life Care, St Lukes Hospice
Pain management- What drug therapies can be used to support this symptom: Dr Beth Farrar, Registrar Specialist Palliative Care, East Cheshire NHS Trust
Further session to be confirmed: Crisis Aversion and difficult conversations in the last weeks to days of life
- Length: All day
- Suitable for: Nurses, GP’s, Medical Staff, Allied Health Professionals, Paramedics, Assistant Practitioners, Domiciliary & Care Home staff who want to increase their knowledge of management of symptoms in the last few weeks and days life.
- Delivered: face to face
Funded for Cheshire East Place staff.
- Tuesday 25 February 2025 at Marthal Village Hall, Sandlebridge Lane, Marthall, Knutsford, WA16 7SB FULL
Delegates outside Cheshire East Place are welcome at a cost of £80 per person.
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