Cancer and Dementia Scoping Project
About the Project
The Cancer and Dementia Scoping Project will scope the support available within Cheshire and Merseyside for people with a dual diagnosis of cancer and dementia.
Both conditions will be given equal “weighting”, and the project will seek the perspectives of dementia services on cancer and vice versa.
Project Aims
The aims of the project are to find out
- Expected numbers of people with a dual diagnosis of cancer and dementia in Cheshire and Merseyside
- What support is currently available for people with a dual diagnosis and their carers
- Existing work/research and examples of best practice
- Professionals’ understanding of how one diagnosis may inform referral for diagnosis of a second condition
Based on the findings of the work described above, the project team will co-produce recommendations about how support could be improved.
The project will run from April 2024 – February 2025.
The project has been commissioned by Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance and is being managed by the End of Life Partnership with clinical input provided by the End of Life Partnership and Liverpool University Hospitals NHSFT.
Professional Experience
The project team would like to hear from professionals about their experience of working people with a dual diagnosis. Online surveys are available for different professional groups and can be accessed below. The surveys will close on Sunday 15 September 2024.
Patient and Carer Experience
If you have personal experience of dual diagnosis and would like to share your story with the project team, please contact to arrange a time to talk about your experiences.
Project Remit and Governance
The remit of the project is scoping and evaluation, not research. The project’s data governance arrangements have been assured by Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance.
Contact Us
For further information or to contact the project team, please email