
Enhance your learning experience with our range of videos. Covering the following topics:

  • Clinical Procedures
  • Communication Challenges
  • Podcasts
  • Symptom Control
  • Other Learning Opportunities

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A constantly updated hub of information, tools and guidance for end of life professionals.

Group of students around a meeting table

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Updates to Blue Booklet

Details of the updates on the Symptom Control Prescription Drugs and Administration Record: November 2022.

(For South and East Cheshire and Vale Royal.)

Where to obtain Blue Booklets

  • Hospitals: (MCHFT and MDGH) via hospital pharmacy service or local specialist palliative care team
  • Community Services: (CCICP and ECNHST) via Care Community Service Managers
  • GP’s: via Community District Nursing Teams
  • Care Homes: via EOLP
  • Hospices: via EOLP

The details of how to order and pay for further copies are listed below:

EOLP ordered the initial booklets any further orders will need to be ordered via yourselves and invoiced to you directly.

EOLP used a company called Rowtype in Stoke-On-Trent to arrange the printing (contact details below). They will provide a cost for the number of booklets required and will invoice you directly:

01782 538600 and

They have a copy of the Blue Booklet on file but an electronic version can also be found on EPAIGE via the following link: Blue Booklet


Clinical Procedures


A video demonstration on the Nurse Verification of Expected Death Procedure.

Last Days of Life Template

ICD and CRTD Deactivation

This video is aimed at supporting healthcare professionals who are caring for patients who have an ICD (Implantable Cardioverted Defibrillator) or a CRTD (Cardiac Resynchronisation Defibrillator) which required emergency deactivation.

Covid-19: Vaccination and Informed Consent

A PowerPoint presentation on Covid-19 and informed consent. This learning resource looks at how you can ensure that someone is consenting to a vaccination, and for those people who lack capacity, what steps you need to take to make a decision in their best interest.

Communication Challenges

Breaking Bad News Over the Telephone

A PowerPoint presentation looking at strategies, hints and tips to help support you when you are faced with having to give bad news over the telephone.

EPaCCS: Electronic Palliative Care Coordination System

Coordinating care for vulnerable people in the last stages of life is challenging – especially when so many different agencies are involved. These videos reports on how GPs, hospitals, hospices and the ambulance service in the North West are using an Electonic Palliative Care Coordiantion System (or EPaCCS) to improve end of life care. The constantly updated record means everyone has the latest information on a patient’s medical condition and medication as well as their wishes.


Helping Last Days of Life at Home

A guide for G.P’s and other Health Care Professionals working in Primary Care.


Paramedic Podcast

Beyond the Sirens

A series of six podcasts, led by palliative and end of life experts, covering:

  • Palliative care and end of life care explained
  • Communication skills
  • Natural dying versus DNA CPR
  • Edward O’Brian Macmillan Paramedic
  • Discussion of total pain
  • Topical areas of practice in end of life care

Symptom Control

Terminal Agitation

A videoed PowerPoint presentation detailing how to assess and mange terminal agitation in the last days of life, including presentation, cause, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

Nausea and Vomiting

A videoed PowerPoint presentation detailing how to assess and manage nausea and vomiting in palliative and end of life care. This presentation utilises a case study approach which demonstrates how to support a patient who is presenting with this symptom.

Other Learning Opportunities

GP Education Masterclass: Advance Care Planning

A video resource giving information and advice on how we can best approach care planning for patients nearing end of life. The video discusses why it is important to identify patients nearing end of life early, to allow time and space to allow advance care planning conversations to be offered to patients and those important to them, and when and how to start these important conversations.

Other GP Education Masterclass

The National E-learning programme for end of life care.

This video informs the viewer on the range of free learning programmes available through E-ELCA  with an overview of what is available.

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