Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice recognised the need to to address the inequality in Palliative Care Support to Care Homes and commenced a Care Homes Support project and in December 2018 launched a facilitated Six Steps to Success End of Life
Six Steps programme in Wales
The Six Steps Programme has been running in Wales for some time now and an article has been published in a recent RCN Wales Study Centre Newsletter. You can read the article by clicking on the link below. RCN Wales
Revised audits available
We have recently noticed a small glitch in two of the excel audit templates. The Knowledge, Skills and Confidence audit cohort tool had a problem in a row for the 24th person being added. This has now been rectified. Version
Good news for Six Steps Wales
The Bevan Commission Welsh Government, working in collaboration with health organisations, are testing approaches for the adoption and spread of innovation. Bevan Exemplar, Theresa Richards has been funded to run an adopt and spread for the Six Steps programme. This
New self-directed programme coming soon
The new programme aims to address the inequality of social care organisations and staff being unable to access a palliative and end of life care programme where there is currently no direct access to Facilitation. The programme will also present
Changes for the Domiciliary Care Programmes
The Six Steps Domiciliary Care programmes have received little use over the last 2 years, so they will be withdrawn from the website on 31 March 2020. All of the resources will be kept available for 12 months, although they
Recommended Competencies for Trainers and Educators in Palliative and End of Life Care
We do not currently have any specific recommendations for facilitators of Six Steps programmes other than we advise the following which would include knowledge and experience of palliative/end of life care, previous teaching/facilitation experience and ideally insight into care home work.
PowerPoint presentations added to website
Each step now has a PowerPoint presentation. Based on the programmes within the facilitator guide, each presentation can be adapted and used for workshops.